Carpet Cleaner Rentals
Floor Machine Rentals
Floor Scrubber Rental Fort Lauderdale
Equipment Rentals
Carpet Cleaning, High Speed,
Buffers, Floor Machines
Thoro-Matic, Power-Flite
, Advance, EDIC

Do it yourself and save

We Carry the Proper Chemicals

A Cleaning Supplies & Rentals, INC. is a company that prides itself on its excellent customer service. Part of this includes our attention we give to our customers who rent our top of the line cleaning equipment. We rent machines for everyone from the small family that needs to clean one room to the large cleaning business that has a 50,000 square foot job. We provide on the site training for all of our easy to use equipment.
Our Message to the Small Family – By coming to us you will save, receive proper training, and take clean guaranteed to perform equipment into your home. Equipment offered by large chain stores underperform and are overpriced.
Our Message to the Large Business - You need equipment in order to do your job. If you do not want to invest on such machines, you can rent them and save on the cost of these expensive equipment. Hard jobs are made easy by using top quality rental equipment.